Wednesday, June 15, 2011

And we are having........

I know I'm a few weeks behind. We had our ultrasound last Thursday the 9th. Sprout didn't want to work with us at first, he/she was being stubborned and kept their foot right where we needed to jackpot to be at. So about 20 minutes trying to get Sprout to show off for us. The tech got the winning ticket. She said it's a GIRL!! But we have another one scheduled for July 7th just to be sure, that her foots wasn't covering anything, but the tech thought she was right and no little things were popping up. So we decided on the name Lexi Rylan Conn. And the theme I'm going with is, bright Pink and bright Green with cupcakes and lollipops and Popsicles. I'm hoping to find some more cute things to go along with that.