Sunday, May 29, 2011

Goodbye first trimester hello second trimester!

Well yesterday I entered the second trimester. Here's to hoping I can get some energy back. And not be in bed by 8 every night. We have been taking pictures and video every week of my belly. I will post some of them, for you to see and decided if you think my belly has grown any. But I think it has.

This is May 17, 2011 12 weeks

This is May 21, 2011 at 13 weeks.

May 28, 2011 at 14 weeks.

We have another appointment set for June 9th, they didn't say what they will be doing at this appointment, but I'm assuming it will just be a check up, see how I am, listen to the heartbeat.And I'm going to ask if they will do an ultrasound to determine the sex. I'm sure they won't, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I really don't want to wait will July to find out. I want to go shopping and start picking out all things girly/boy. If it is a girl, I have found the perfect crib set I want. But if it's a boy, I know the theme we want to use, I just can't find any fishing themes for crib sets. So I'll have to make it my own way. Well I guess that is all until next week.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hearing the Perfect Sound

For some people they say Friday the 13th is a bad day. Well in our case it was a great day! I had my monthly check up. This one was special for us, we could hear the heartbeat. It was so sweet. But I was expecting it to be so powerful, since the last appointment I had, we could hear the lady next to us having her's done and it was so loud. I just thought everyone's was like that. I guess it was the fact she was probably much farther along that I was. But still hearing that pitter patter made all my uneasy feelings go away. I was hoping to know the sex of sprout next check up, but the doctor said I will have to wait till 20 weeks. That was a bummer. So if I'm counting correctly, we will know the sex July 7th. I'm going to go crazy until then wondering, even though I already have my suspension. Mike and I are flying to Miami in a few weeks to go visit some family, I have a feeling, I'm going to be extremely hot, since I'm already starting to feel hot here in our weather. I'm sure Miami will be worse. I have never flown before either, so I'm hoping I don't stress and freak out, and cause any harm to the baby. I have finally made it to my 3 months. It seems to be flying by so fast. I do want it to hurry and be November so I can hold him/her, but yet, we have nothing yet. So the time needs to slow down some. I'm starting to get tired again early at night. On Friday I was in bed by little after 8. Last night, Mike and I were trying to watch a movie, and not even half way through it I was ready for bed, I don't even think it was 9:00 yet. But it's like clock work, every morning I'm up between 6:00 and 6:45 to go to the bathroom. And I can't go back to sleep. I'm starting to think this is Sprout's way of getting me ready for early and I mean early mornings. Well I guess this is all for this weekly update.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

11 weeks

11 weeks baby bump. I'm starting to see it. But I have diffidently been feeling it for days.
This Friday we go back for another check up, this one is very special to me. We will get to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I have seen it flutter the last 2 times we went, but I know it's going to be something special to be able to hear it.

I'm starting to out grow my pants. Yesterday when I was trying to get ready for work, I tried on 3 different pants/capris. I finally decided on capris. But I still wasn't comfortable. So during my lunch I went to Target and I gave in and bought the Belly Band, I came back to work, and as soon as I unbuttoned and unzipped, it was such a big relief. But honestly, if I could just wear pajama pants all the time, I would be so happy.

As of now, I'm really wanting/craving something cold. About 2 weeks ago, I was craving watermelon. I was at work, so I couldn't go to the store, so Mike was so sweet he brought me some at work. It was sooo good.

So tomorrow is Mother's Day! I know I'm not a mother quite yet, but on Thursday, I was at the post office and the mailman told me Happy Mother's Day. That just made my day. It just made me melt inside, and thinking, oh my gosh I am a mother right now. Just not in sight you can see my child, but in my heart I already feel it. Well I will leave you with this until next time. Happy Mother's Day!