Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hearing the Perfect Sound

For some people they say Friday the 13th is a bad day. Well in our case it was a great day! I had my monthly check up. This one was special for us, we could hear the heartbeat. It was so sweet. But I was expecting it to be so powerful, since the last appointment I had, we could hear the lady next to us having her's done and it was so loud. I just thought everyone's was like that. I guess it was the fact she was probably much farther along that I was. But still hearing that pitter patter made all my uneasy feelings go away. I was hoping to know the sex of sprout next check up, but the doctor said I will have to wait till 20 weeks. That was a bummer. So if I'm counting correctly, we will know the sex July 7th. I'm going to go crazy until then wondering, even though I already have my suspension. Mike and I are flying to Miami in a few weeks to go visit some family, I have a feeling, I'm going to be extremely hot, since I'm already starting to feel hot here in our weather. I'm sure Miami will be worse. I have never flown before either, so I'm hoping I don't stress and freak out, and cause any harm to the baby. I have finally made it to my 3 months. It seems to be flying by so fast. I do want it to hurry and be November so I can hold him/her, but yet, we have nothing yet. So the time needs to slow down some. I'm starting to get tired again early at night. On Friday I was in bed by little after 8. Last night, Mike and I were trying to watch a movie, and not even half way through it I was ready for bed, I don't even think it was 9:00 yet. But it's like clock work, every morning I'm up between 6:00 and 6:45 to go to the bathroom. And I can't go back to sleep. I'm starting to think this is Sprout's way of getting me ready for early and I mean early mornings. Well I guess this is all for this weekly update.

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