Monday, September 12, 2011

29 weeks or 34 weeks?

Hello! So today Lexi has be extremely active (i.e. kicking, hitting, and much more) all day long. Some of them have been very strong somewhat hurting. This weekend I am having a baby shower for my friends and people that I feel like should be my family. My mom and sister in law are giving me it. I can't wait to see what all Lexi will get. I have a feeling she will be very spoiled.

So yet I'm sick again, I started to feel bad last weekend with a sore/scratchy throat. Luckily I was off on Monday for the holiday. So I pretty much rested that day. Went to work on Tuesday, still didn't feel good. I was so tired and I was starting to cough alot more. So I ended up leaving early about 2:00. Came home and took a nice hot shower and fell asleep. Wednesday I still didn't feel good. I hadn't had much of sleep I was lucky I got 2 hours. My nose felt like a water facet. I couldn't keep enough toilet paper around me. I went to the store to get some Sudafed and of course they did not have any, and no Tylenol cold. So I ended up getting some Zurtech, and some chicken soup. Came home made the soup, YUCK. I could not taste it, so bland. So I laid back down and took another nap. All this sickness is really starting to get old for me. As of today I still have a stopped up nose and coughing. I had to call the doctor to see what else I could take on Friday. She prescribed me a Z Pack. So I've been on it for 4 days now. And not seeing much of change. I guess I'll be going back.

 Also last appointment we had on August 30th the doctor measured me and said I was measuring at 32 weeks. I was like what, how can that be. When I was really supposed to be 26 week and 4 days. He thinks she was just positioned wrong, so he scheduled me to go in on September 19th for another ultrasound, this one we will get to do a 3D. I am so excited. My mom is going to come with us and be able to see her. The doctor said after this upcoming appointment I will be coming back every 2 weeks. Gosh it seems like it's been so quick. I can't believe this Saturday I will be 30 weeks. Only 10 more weeks to go.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Making up for NO Morning Sickness!

Let me feel you in on what has been going on. So today I am 22 weeks and 4 days. And I never had morning sickness. Just a little nausea on occasion. So I thought I was going to have an easy pregnancy. Little did I know something was going to hit me and hit me big time. Well this past Saturday I started to get a headache and my ears felt like they had pressure. And I was burning up, yet I was cold. I was laying under 2 blankets and I still couldn't stop shaking. So I knew something had to be up, since I'm not usually like that. I take my temperature, and sure enough I had one. I was worried about it, since it was a high fever like 100.1. So I just lay down for a little while. Well that night I did  not get much sleep, I woke up at 1:00 sweating, I was thinking yes my fever is breaking. Well I couldn't fall back to sleep, so I'm up for the night. So now it's early Sunday morning and I re-check my temperature and somehow I still have a fever. Which is crazy since I was sweating. Well Mike comes home from work, so I usually go to my parents house on the weekend to see them and let him have his time to sleep. I still wasn't feeling myself by now. But I still want to work on my summer tan so I get my swimsuit on and go lay out in the pool, which didn't last very long. I got out not even an hour later. I was so cold again, I decided to take a nice warm shower. I think that was a big mistake, it made me colder. I ended up taking a nap and waking up sweating again. Well I call Mike and tell him what's going on, by the time he got to my parent's house to eat dinner, my fever had spiked up to over 101.0. I was starting to get scared now for the baby. So I called my doctor's office expecting to leave a voicemail with a nurse on call and have them call me back in regards to what I should do/take to make the fever go down. Well I actually got a doctor on call. His name was Dr. Brown (hum, I wonder if he invented the baby bottles, hehe) I didn't recognize that name with any of the doctors at Emerald Coast where I go to. So I figured it may just be any OBGYN in Bay County on call that gets the phone call. So I tell him what is going on, and he told me to just take some Tylenol for the fever. And if I still feel not my entire self on Monday morning I should call my doctor's office to see if they can get me in. Sure enough I didn't get much sleep Sunday night/Monday morning. I was up again at 1:00 in the morning. I wait till my doctor's office was opened and called, they asked if I could come in at 2:00. I'm thinking dang that is a long time I have to wait while feeling like crap and not knowing what is going on. Mike needed to sleep, since he worked the night before and had to work that night as well. So I had my mom go with me. Since I had been so hot all day I wore some shorts to my appointment, BIG MISTAKE. I was SOOOO COLD. My poor little toes were starting to turn purple and so was my legs. Well I get to see a different doctor, since I was a work in. I ended up seeing Dr. Pennington, she is really nice. Well I tell her all my symptoms, and she knew right off it was a sinus infection. So she prescribes me a Z Pack. And I was told I should start to feel better in the next 24 hours. And gave me a doctor's excuse for the next 2 days to be off work so I could rest. I start to take the Z Pack that night after dinner. That night I go to bed hoping that I would wake up and feel much better. And again I wake up 1:00 freezing/burning up. I take some more Tylenol hoping to ease the fever. Still no sleep for me that night. By now I have a fever up and down for the past 4 days. Which I have never had a fever last that long. So for pretty much all day Tuesday I was like a zombie. I really haven't had that much of an appetite either, but I'm trying to drink lots of fluids to keep from dehydrating. By Wednesday morning my temperature had reached over 102.4. And Lexi hadn't been moving that much like she normally does. So I started to get worried. I again call my doctor's office asking what should I do. Well the nurse says she will have to e-mail the doctor and tell her what's going on and see if I can come in. So 2 hours later I still haven't heard from them, I call back and tell them about not having lots of movement from the baby, then that got them going, I was able to come in and have an ultrasound to make sure she was moving and she was fine. Thank God she was, she must have just been in a spot where I couldn't feel the movement. We did find out she the 1 pound and 3 oz right now. And she is very flexible she had her foot up to her face holding it with her hand. And the other hand was behind her head. She did not want to show us her face, so no 3D pictures for that. But we did get a picture of her waving at us. It was such a relief to know she was okay and still moving. So after that's all done I sit down in the waiting room. This time I came prepared and wore pants so I wouldn't be freezing. Yea right, I should of worn the shorts, I was so hot. Finally I get into the room and they weigh me, I had lost a pound since my last appointment on Monday. But this time no temperature. It had finally gone down, but I knew it wasn't for long though. So the doctor says I need something more powerful, so she prescribed me with augmentin. Well today I was so weak but I did get a full nights rest last night, that was nice. I hadn't had that sine Friday night/Saturday morning. But I still had a fever, so I stayed home yet again today. And pretty much have just been resting and drinking fluids. So I'm hoping tomorrow I can finally go back to work. This is not time off that I like, this has been hell. I have never been this miserable before, this crap is worse than when I had the flu. Well that about sums it up. So I guess since I didn't have any morning sickness this has taken up for it. Now if I can just get better and start feeling like myself again everything will be much better. Oh yea another big important thing, on Monday was mine and Mike's 2 year wedding anniversary. I told him that I think I should have a do over for it. Even though we hadn't plan to do anything that day since I had to work and that night since he had to work. It just made the day feel like any normal day, not like the anniversary of one of the best days of my life. So we are planning for when I feel better to go to the Melting Pot for our yearly tradition. :) So that is all until next time.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

For the first time...

Today I am 20 weeks and 4 days. I'm half way there. I still think back to when we first found out we were going to be parents. The time has flown by. It's almost half way through July. I was thinking the other day, my next day off from work is Labor Day which is September 5th. Then Veterans Day in November, then I'm out on maternity leave. I am so not ready for her to be here. Yes we have LOTS of clothes. I have been buying diapers here and there and some wipes. But we don't have any of the big stuff yet. I do have a baby shower set for September. I can't wait for that. I'm sure Lexi will get lots of nice things.

Well I can finally feel her move around and kick me. I wasn't to sure at first if what I was feeling was really her, or just gas. lol. But then it kept happening more and more. So I realized it really was her. Mike has gotten to feel her once. She's not that powerful yet for him to feel her all the time. Yesterday she had the hiccups in the morning, afternoon and night. It was so weird. But I loved it.

We did go to our check up on July 7th, and the ultrasound tech confirmed we were still having a girl. She wasn't very active in the morning, but we did get to see and 4D picture of her. Not a very good picture, since she doesn't look so much like a baby right now. But it was still neat to see.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

And we are having........

I know I'm a few weeks behind. We had our ultrasound last Thursday the 9th. Sprout didn't want to work with us at first, he/she was being stubborned and kept their foot right where we needed to jackpot to be at. So about 20 minutes trying to get Sprout to show off for us. The tech got the winning ticket. She said it's a GIRL!! But we have another one scheduled for July 7th just to be sure, that her foots wasn't covering anything, but the tech thought she was right and no little things were popping up. So we decided on the name Lexi Rylan Conn. And the theme I'm going with is, bright Pink and bright Green with cupcakes and lollipops and Popsicles. I'm hoping to find some more cute things to go along with that.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Goodbye first trimester hello second trimester!

Well yesterday I entered the second trimester. Here's to hoping I can get some energy back. And not be in bed by 8 every night. We have been taking pictures and video every week of my belly. I will post some of them, for you to see and decided if you think my belly has grown any. But I think it has.

This is May 17, 2011 12 weeks

This is May 21, 2011 at 13 weeks.

May 28, 2011 at 14 weeks.

We have another appointment set for June 9th, they didn't say what they will be doing at this appointment, but I'm assuming it will just be a check up, see how I am, listen to the heartbeat.And I'm going to ask if they will do an ultrasound to determine the sex. I'm sure they won't, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I really don't want to wait will July to find out. I want to go shopping and start picking out all things girly/boy. If it is a girl, I have found the perfect crib set I want. But if it's a boy, I know the theme we want to use, I just can't find any fishing themes for crib sets. So I'll have to make it my own way. Well I guess that is all until next week.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hearing the Perfect Sound

For some people they say Friday the 13th is a bad day. Well in our case it was a great day! I had my monthly check up. This one was special for us, we could hear the heartbeat. It was so sweet. But I was expecting it to be so powerful, since the last appointment I had, we could hear the lady next to us having her's done and it was so loud. I just thought everyone's was like that. I guess it was the fact she was probably much farther along that I was. But still hearing that pitter patter made all my uneasy feelings go away. I was hoping to know the sex of sprout next check up, but the doctor said I will have to wait till 20 weeks. That was a bummer. So if I'm counting correctly, we will know the sex July 7th. I'm going to go crazy until then wondering, even though I already have my suspension. Mike and I are flying to Miami in a few weeks to go visit some family, I have a feeling, I'm going to be extremely hot, since I'm already starting to feel hot here in our weather. I'm sure Miami will be worse. I have never flown before either, so I'm hoping I don't stress and freak out, and cause any harm to the baby. I have finally made it to my 3 months. It seems to be flying by so fast. I do want it to hurry and be November so I can hold him/her, but yet, we have nothing yet. So the time needs to slow down some. I'm starting to get tired again early at night. On Friday I was in bed by little after 8. Last night, Mike and I were trying to watch a movie, and not even half way through it I was ready for bed, I don't even think it was 9:00 yet. But it's like clock work, every morning I'm up between 6:00 and 6:45 to go to the bathroom. And I can't go back to sleep. I'm starting to think this is Sprout's way of getting me ready for early and I mean early mornings. Well I guess this is all for this weekly update.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

11 weeks

11 weeks baby bump. I'm starting to see it. But I have diffidently been feeling it for days.
This Friday we go back for another check up, this one is very special to me. We will get to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I have seen it flutter the last 2 times we went, but I know it's going to be something special to be able to hear it.

I'm starting to out grow my pants. Yesterday when I was trying to get ready for work, I tried on 3 different pants/capris. I finally decided on capris. But I still wasn't comfortable. So during my lunch I went to Target and I gave in and bought the Belly Band, I came back to work, and as soon as I unbuttoned and unzipped, it was such a big relief. But honestly, if I could just wear pajama pants all the time, I would be so happy.

As of now, I'm really wanting/craving something cold. About 2 weeks ago, I was craving watermelon. I was at work, so I couldn't go to the store, so Mike was so sweet he brought me some at work. It was sooo good.

So tomorrow is Mother's Day! I know I'm not a mother quite yet, but on Thursday, I was at the post office and the mailman told me Happy Mother's Day. That just made my day. It just made me melt inside, and thinking, oh my gosh I am a mother right now. Just not in sight you can see my child, but in my heart I already feel it. Well I will leave you with this until next time. Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

8 weeks and counting

So today I am at 8 weeks! Seems like it was just yesterday we found out we were going to be a family of 3. I went back to my ultrasound appointment on Thursday to see the blood spot had absorbed. Which I am thanking God it had! That was a big lift off my shoulders. We got to see the heartbeat again. When it flickers on the screen it just gives you such a great feeling. I can't explain it. It just feels so good to see that. The heartbeat was 154 bpm according to the doctor. Which is really good. From the week before it was 90 bpm. And he has now confirmed the due date is set for November 26. A Thanksgiving baby! But we are shooting for to be induced before then, so Mike can schedule some time off at work. Since he's new at his job he will not get any FMLA leave. So he's hoping to take a week off after the baby is born.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

7 weeks and growing out of my clothes

So today is 7 weeks and 1 day! Lately I have been feeling very full, and if I eat something I may just explode. I have been told it could be a vary of things. And some of my clothes are starting to fit tighter now and I do not have to wear belts to keep up some of my pants. So mom and I went clothes shopping today. I got some really cute yoga looking capris and 3 tops to wear along with 2 knit vests. Then we went to Motherhood Maternity. I must say they have some cute clothes in there for mommies to be. I was kinda shocked. As I was trying on the clothes, I saw the belly you can try on with your clothes. Boy oh boy did I feel like I was going to be HUGE when my 9 months comes around. I ended up getting some cute khaki capris and 2 shirts there as well. And I signed up for some coupons for diapers and such. Yesterday I had severe nausea. I sat up in the bed and got ready to get up, and I thought it was coming. So I had Mike get me some Sprite and I had about 3 sips of that, then layed back down. The feeling started to go away, but every time I tried to get up I felt it again. And along with that I felt light headed, Mike thinks it was my blood pressure was getting too low. So I layed in bed for a little while. Then we had some scrambled eggs. The smell of that was making it worse. And I'm thinking no this can't be happening, I love eggs. I ate some eggs and some toast, and the feeling went away. (Thank God) So pretty much most of the morning we were lazy. In the afternoon we went out to the Pottery Bar to pick up our pottery we did for my birthday, and on the way out there I wanted some Chick Fil A! Then we drive by Sonny's, and then I changed my mind I wanted Sonny's salad bar and smokey turkey sandwich. So we ate Sonny's for lunch then came back home and watched a movie. I was so tired, I kept falling asleep. Lately I have been so drained and wanting to do nothing but rest. I guess I will start walking alot more to get my energy level up.

Friday, April 8, 2011

You can call us Mommy & Daddy!

On March 25, 2011 we found out the family of two was now going to be a family of three! Words can not describe what I was feeling at the moment when I looked down at the test that will change your life forever. When I saw PREGNANT, I thought wait are your sure it's not missing the Not. I have heard from different people that you will know you are pregnant. Well I didn't know for sure. I just decided to take a test at night, after feeling sort of nauseated that night. So as Mike was getting ready for work, I went and took the test. I waited for 3 minutes (which is a long 3 minutes) and when I came back I saw the result. I couldn't believe it at first. It didn't seem real to me. So I went and grabbed Mike by the hand and led him into the bathroom and showed him the test. He was in shock as well. We looked at each other, him smiling from ear to ear and me smiling with my eyes swelling up with tears. Then we hugged each other. I still couldn't believe what the test had read, I even asked him to read it aloud. So that night as he went to work, I was so round up I did not get much sleep at all. By this time we hadn't told anyone yet. The next day we went with my parents and nephew to the Tyndall Air Show. I had to tell them so bad. So Mike and I went to Target before heading to my parent's house. And I bought a little nightie jumpsuit with a book my parent's used to read me, goodnight moon. So we head to my parent's house. It was killing me to keep it inside any longer. So we went to their bedroom where they were at, and I showed them what I just bought. My mom said what's that for. Then I announced I was pregnant. And she screamed and cried and hugged me. And my dad hugged me as well. As I could see the tears in his eyes, that he was trying to hide. Still at this point only my parents and brother knew about this. Then later that night I told my sister in law and my niece. My niece and nephew don't quite understand that their Aunt Mitt Mitt has a baby in her stomach. My nephew always looks at me and asks is the baby in there. Well we still were waiting to tell my in laws the good news. We had to wait another 24 hours to tell them, since my father in law was out of town. So when Sunday rolled around. We went over to their house. Gave them a gift for helping us out in different ways. And as my mother in law was pulling out a picture frame that read on the bottom, Grand kids are the most precious gifts. Inside where a picture would be, I wrote on a piece of paper saying you can fill this in November. It took them a little bit to realize what it meant, then everyone was happy and crying and and hugging. So now that everyone in our family knew, we could now tell everyone else. So first thing is first, we announce it on Facebook. So on Monday morning I called and make an appointment with the doctor. I had to wait one whole week till I got in to see Dr. Ingram. Our first ultrasound was amazing. I know everyone says, that you already love the baby inside before he/she is born. Well I never knew how deep that love can be. It was so amazing to see our little baby on the screen. And be able to see his/her's heartbeat for the first time. I couldn't control it I started to cry. I guess at that moment when I saw the heartbeat I really truly believed I was going to be a mommy.